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‘Building community with Common Ambition’

5 June 2023

Emma Anderson is a senior lecturer in community psychology at The University of Brighton, the project’s academic partner. She is a regular member of the Brighton and Hove Common Ambition steering group and has been attending meetings since it began.

Emma’s research has included participatory work with lived-experience researchers to explore the role of arts in mental health; and a discursive approach to exploring contemporary constructions of happiness and wellbeing.

She recently published an article on BHCA in the May edition of British Psychological Society’s magazine The Psychologist

It highlights the importance of lived experience involvement in system improvement and defines and spotlights BHCA as an example of good practice. The last section is in conversation with steering group members, who were consulted throughout the writing process.

It offers a new perspective of the project and argues the case for co-production in the field of community psychology.

You can find the full article here.

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